
Edited Books

The World Multiple: The Quotidian Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds (2019)

Read the introductory chapter to the World Multiple, co-written by Keiichi Omura, Shiho Satsuka, Atsuro Morita, and me.

My video recorded introduction to the “World Multiple” roundtable discussion at the 2018 AAA Meeting in San Jose is on Youtube.

See The World Multiple at Google Books and at the publisher’s page


I completed my dissertation at the University of Toronto in 2015. Human and Machine in Formation: An Ethnographic Study of Communication and Humanness in a Wearable Technology Laboratory in Japan.

I was supervised by Prof. Shiho Satsuka.

Journal Articles

2020. Shit’s Getting Real: A Cultural Analysis of Toilet Paper. Anthropology Now.

2019. (co-written with Masaharu Kawano and Mari Kikuchi.)「日常倫理の人類学ー関与・判断・主体性ー」 (The Anthropology of Ordinary Ethics: Engagement, Judgement, Subjectivity) 社会人類学年報 (Shakaijinruigaku Nenpō) 45.

2019. Frame, Game, and Circuit: Truth and the Human in Japanese Human-machine Interface Research. Ethnos.

2013. Augmenting Japan’s Bodies and Futures: The Politics of Human-Technology Encounters in Japanese Idol Pop. M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture. Feature article in special issue on “Augment.”

Book Chapters

2011. “Remediation, Scaling, and the Making of ‘Global’ Identities.” In Global Media, Culture, and Identity: Theory, Cases, and Approaches. Eds. Rohit Chopra and Radhika Gajjala. New York: Routledge. (co-authored with A. Khandekar.)

Writing for the Public

2020. “OK computer: to prevent student cheating with AI text-generators, we should bring them into the classroom.” The Conversation.

2018. “AI and the need to tread carefully.” The Newsroom.

Blog Posts

2017. “Anthropos beyond the Human.” Platypus – The CASTAC Blog.

2013. “Field Notes – Disaster.” Fieldsights – Field Notes, Cultural Anthropology Online.

2013. “Introducing Field Notes – Contact/Access.” Fieldsights – Field Notes, Cultural Anthropology Online.


In 2018 , I was interviewed for a podcast on robotics and technology in Japan for “The Human Show.”

As a Ph.D. student, I helped start the Society for Cultural Anthropology’s Anthropod series, and produced or co-produced episodes on work by Michael Fisch, Naisargi Dave, John Hartigan, Jr., and Kevin Lewis O’Neill.

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