This is the personal homepage of Grant Jun Otsuki. I’m an associate professor in cultural anthropology at the University of Tokyo. About me.
Recent Publications:
In Engaging Science, Technology and Society: “Locating Naturecultures,” with Gergely Mohacsi and Emile St. Pierre.
On the American Ethnologist website: “Yours Sincerely, Unsure about Sharing,” on the ethics of data sharing, with Angela Okune.
In Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning: “The Most Seen I Have Ever Felt: Labour-based Grading as a Pedagogical Practice of Care” (with Lorena Gibson and Jordan Anderson.)
In Anthropology Now: “Shit’s Getting Real: A Cultural Analysis of Toilet Paper.”
In Ethnos: “Frame, Game, and Circuit: Truth and the Human in Japanese Human-machine Interface Research.“